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Frequently asked Questions

-What do I need to have a blood collection performed?

-A valid requisition from your Doctor and a New Brunswick health card are required for blood collection services. This is required so the phlebotomist can match your information on your requisition.

-Please have your requisition ready before the phlebotomist arrives.

-How do I get my test results?

-Your results will be sent directly to your doctor and will be discussed at your next schedules appointment with your doctor.

-Is private blood collection covered under medicare?

-No, private blood collection of samples are not included with your coverage, there is a 20$ fee.

-Will I be contacted prior to your appointment.

-All home collection patients are called the day before the schedule appointment to confirm the appropriate time of service.

-What is required for blood fasting?

- You are required to fast (not eat) for a minimum of 8 hours. Drinking water during your fasting is acceptable.

-Is urinalysis part of blood work?

-yes, often a urine test is required during your Doctors request for a health check up.

-Are all collectors trained in blood collection?

-Yes, all collectors are fully trained and alhere to all guidelines and policies and procedures in our manuel.

-Where is the blood processed?

-The blood is processed at The Moncton Hospital lab (horizon network) and the George Dumont Hospital lab ( vitality network)

-Why is there a $ collection cost

- The $ fee covers collector wages, supplies and delivery cost.

-Is and appointment needed?

-No, are clinics are walk-ins, no appointment needed

-What is the cost for non Canadian resident to have their blood collected?

- There is a $20.00 cost for non residents.

-Private blood spicemen collection services are especially beneficial to:

- Diabetics that must fast for testing

- Individuals that are home bound due to age, illness or disability

- Cancer patients that may schedule blood testing

- Individuals on Coumadin or other therapeutic drug monitoring

- Individuals living in Personal Care Homes/ community Care homes

- Individuals with (frequent) orders

- Individuals with transportations issues

- Individuals with buse schedules

- Individuals with mental health problems such as agoraphobia, debilitating anxiety or psychiatric conditions that prevents them from leaving their residence

- Individuals with dementia or brain injuries that would present as a safety risk traveling to a hospital

- Individuals with oxygen requirements that cannot be safely met by the use of portable oxygen

- Patient is home and /or bed bound and leaving home would compromise there health

Health Benefits

Immo-compromised clients, cancer therapy/transplant, etc…

Diadetics- able to perform services related to diabetic needs

Disables- accommodate your needs in the comfort or your home

Not subject to communicable viruses/bacteria, ex: flu season

Personnel Benefits

Winter weather, the safety of travalling in adverse weather condition

Waiting time , we all have very busy schedules, your time is very is valuable

Transportation, having difficulty getting transportation, and expense of taxi`s

Parking cost, finding parking space, cost and the distance walking to building

Collection Rates

All in-clinics blood collection are $20.00.

For home collection rates, please contact us directly

-Fasting Instructions

- The following collection instructions are intended so you collect the correct specimen for the test your Doctor has requested

Frist read the instryctions carefully, make sure you are prepared, and then follow each steps to ensure proper collection


You may be required to fast before having a blood test. This is because certain blood values change following the digestion of food. The measurement of blood sugar (glucose) and some blood lipids ( fats and cholesterol) are common examples.


If you are asked to fast for your test:

Do not eat anything for a minimum of 8 hours for a glucose or cholesterol test before you go have your blood taken

Do not drink any juice, tea or coffee. You are allowed to drink water

Do not smoke, chew gum or exercise. These activities may stimulate the digestive system and alter your test results.

After the specimen is collected, you may resume your normal diet.

-Question and answers

Why do I have to be fasting?

Some test values change following the digestion of food. For example, if you eat lots of sugar, your blood sugar will be high. When you are fasting, we get a base result that can be compared over time.

May I drink water?

Yes, you can drink water but no other kinds of drinks

Should I continue to take my medications?

Yes, unless your Doctor tells you not to.

Should I continue to take my medications?

Yes, unless your Doctor tells you not to.

May I drink juice?

No, just water

May I drink coffee?

No, not even black without sugar, and the same goes for test. You can drink water.

May I chew gum?

No, not even sugarless. Gum stimulates your digestive system and can alter the test results.

May I smoke?

No, smoking can effect the test results

May I do exercise routine?

No, exercise can also affect test results

What about alcohol?

There should be 72hours between your last alcohol drink and blood test

What time should I have my blood collected?

Most people find it convenient to stop eating and drinking after8:00pm and to arrive early the next day.

Our clinics

-Jean coutu 123 Champlain St Dieppe, second floor medical clinic

- Bouctouche Medical Clinic, Monday to Thursday 6:30am to 10:30am

- 335 unit 4 Shediac, N.B. Monday to Friday 7am to 11am 




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